Is there a feature to do flow charts in ms office for mac

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Our support page gives you even more details on Export to Word, including steps for using it. The resulting document pairs each element with its metadata, organized in a table, to give you a quick but detailed written reference for all diagram properties. The public preview announcement blog has all the details about this feature, but as a quick recap, Export to Word leverages an intuitive wizard to help you export Visio diagram elements to Word. The feature was only available for Office Insiders-until now.Įxport to Word is now generally available to all Visio Online Plan 2 users through Visio desktop (Build 1904 onward), bringing one of your most-requested features to everyone.

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Almost a year ago, we released for public preview Export to Word, a new, efficient way for you to automatically document your Microsoft Visio process diagrams in Microsoft Word.